Andrew Young School Open Access Research Migration

As part of the Digital Landscape Initiative undertaken by the Andrew Young School of Policy Studies I led the migration of the college’s research documents into an open access repository to enable free and easy access for students, scholars and readers around the world.

In collaboration with AYS Open Access lead Scott Jacques and the Georgia State University Libraries I devised a hierarchy for document storage within the ScholarWorks research storage and distribution software.

Root level of the Andrew Young School research document hierarchy within ScholarWorks
Root level of the Andrew Young School research document hierarchy within ScholarWorks

Once this was established I led a team of five graduate assistants and university staff in downloading the entire archives of the college’s 5 academic departments and 14 research centers, capturing the metadata for each document and renaming the files with a descriptive syntax.

Detail view of a research document within ScholarWorks including complete metadata
Detail view of a research document within ScholarWorks including complete metadata

These documents were uploaded to a temporary server housed at Georgia State and uploaded en masse to ScholarWorks for storage and distribution.

Jacques and I also devised an internal workflow for faculty to submit completed research documents to the open access repository while complying with the various copyright restrictions and embargoes inherent in academic publishing.

The contents of the ScholarWorks database were then syndicated onto the Andrew Young School’s 15 websites using unique RSS feeds for each level of the document hierarchy.

Research documents hosted on ScholarWorks displayed on the Andrew Young School website via custom RSS
Research documents hosted on ScholarWorks displayed on the Andrew Young School website via custom RSS